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Contoh Kelemahan Diri Saat Interview

Contoh Kelemahan Diri Saat Interview

Menjawab pertanyaan tentang kelemahan diri saat interview memerlukan persiapan dan kejujuran yang tepat. Mampu mengakui dan mendiskusikan area peningkatan menunjukkan kesadaran diri dan keinginan untuk berkembang. Artikel ini memberikan contoh kelemahan diri saat interview yang umum digunakan secara efektif dan saran untuk mengatasinya.

Membahas kelemahan diri secara terbuka dapat menciptakan peluang untuk menunjukkan pertumbuhan dan kemampuan untuk belajar dari kesalahan. Dengan menyoroti kelemahan yang spesifik dan relevan dengan posisi yang dilamar, kandidat dapat menunjukkan pemahaman tentang persyaratan pekerjaan dan keinginan untuk meningkatkan diri.

Untuk mempersiapkan jawaban yang efektif, pertimbangkan kelemahan yang relevan dengan posisi tersebut, jelaskan dengan jelas bagaimana Anda mengatasinya, dan berikan contoh spesifik untuk mendukung klaim Anda.

Examples of Weaknesses for Interviews

When discussing weaknesses in an interview, it's important to be honest and self-aware. Here are seven common weaknesses that can be effectively used to demonstrate growth and self-improvement:

  • Perfectionism
  • Delegation
  • Impatience
  • Public speaking
  • Time management
  • Technical skills
  • Self-criticism

By acknowledging and addressing these weaknesses, candidates can show interviewers that they are willing to learn and develop, and that they have a clear understanding of their own strengths and areas for improvement.


Perfectionism can be a double-edged sword in the workplace. While it can drive high standards and attention to detail, it can also lead to procrastination, anxiety, and difficulty delegating tasks.

  • Advantages of perfectionism:

    Individuals with perfectionist tendencies often produce high-quality work, are reliable, and take pride in their accomplishments.

  • Disadvantages of perfectionism:

    Perfectionists may struggle to meet deadlines, be overly critical of themselves and others, and experience burnout.

  • How to address perfectionism in an interview:

    Acknowledge that perfectionism can be both a strength and a weakness. Explain how you are working to manage your perfectionist tendencies, such as by setting realistic goals, breaking down large tasks into smaller ones, and seeking feedback from others.

  • Example of how to discuss perfectionism in an interview:

    "I am a perfectionist by nature, and while this has helped me to achieve high standards in my work, I have also recognized that it can sometimes lead to procrastination and stress. I am actively working to manage my perfectionist tendencies by setting realistic deadlines, breaking down large projects into smaller tasks, and seeking feedback from my colleagues. This has allowed me to maintain high quality standards while also improving my efficiency and reducing my stress levels."

By acknowledging the potential drawbacks of perfectionism and demonstrating a willingness to address them, candidates can show interviewers that they are self-aware and committed to personal growth.


Delegation is a crucial skill for leaders and managers. However, some individuals may struggle to delegate effectively, which can lead to micromanagement, missed deadlines, and burnout.

  • Advantages of delegation:

    Effective delegation can free up time for higher-level tasks, improve efficiency, and empower team members.

  • Disadvantages of delegation:

    Poor delegation can lead to unclear expectations, missed deadlines, and decreased productivity.

  • How to address delegation in an interview:

    Acknowledge that delegation is an area for growth. Explain how you are working to improve your delegation skills, such as by clearly communicating expectations, providing support and guidance to team members, and empowering them to make decisions.

  • Example of how to discuss delegation in an interview:

    "While I am generally comfortable delegating tasks, I recognize that I have room to improve my communication and support skills. I am actively working to provide clearer instructions, offer more guidance to my team members, and empower them to take ownership of their tasks. I believe that this will not only improve the overall efficiency of my team but also help my team members to develop and grow in their roles."

By demonstrating a willingness to improve their delegation skills, candidates can show interviewers that they are committed to personal growth and building high-performing teams.


Impatience can be a challenge in the workplace, especially in fast-paced and demanding environments. Individuals who struggle with impatience may find it difficult to remain calm under pressure, may interrupt others, and may rush through tasks without paying attention to detail.

While impatience can sometimes be a sign of drive and ambition, it is important to be aware of the potential drawbacks and to develop strategies for managing it. Here are some tips for addressing impatience in an interview:

**Acknowledge the potential drawbacks of impatience.** Explain that you are aware that impatience can sometimes be a challenge for you, and that you are working to improve your patience and self-control.

**Provide specific examples of how you have managed your impatience in the past.** This could include situations where you had to deal with a difficult customer, a delayed project, or a personal setback. Explain how you remained calm and focused, and what steps you took to overcome your impatience.

**Discuss strategies you are using to improve your patience.** This could include mindfulness techniques, such as deep breathing or meditation, or setting realistic expectations for yourself and others. You could also mention seeking support from a mentor or therapist who can provide guidance and support.

By acknowledging your impatience and demonstrating a willingness to address it, you can show interviewers that you are self-aware and committed to personal growth. This can help you to make a positive impression and increase your chances of getting the job.

Public speaking

Public speaking is a common fear for many people, and it can be a significant challenge in the workplace. Individuals who struggle with public speaking may find it difficult to communicate their ideas effectively, may experience anxiety or nervousness, and may avoid opportunities to speak up in meetings or presentations.

While public speaking skills can be learned and improved over time, it is important to be aware of the potential challenges and to develop strategies for managing them. Here are some tips for addressing public speaking anxiety in an interview:

**Acknowledge that public speaking is a challenge for you.** Explain that you are aware of your anxiety and that you are working to improve your public speaking skills.

**Provide specific examples of how you have managed your public speaking anxiety in the past.** This could include situations where you had to give a presentation, lead a meeting, or speak up in a group setting. Explain how you prepared for these events, what strategies you used to manage your anxiety, and what the outcomes were.

**Discuss strategies you are using to improve your public speaking skills.** This could include taking a public speaking class, joining a Toastmasters club, or working with a speech coach. You could also mention practicing your speeches in front of a mirror or recording yourself and reviewing your performance.

By acknowledging your public speaking anxiety and demonstrating a willingness to address it, you can show interviewers that you are self-aware and committed to personal growth. This can help you to make a positive impression and increase your chances of getting the job.

Time management

Time management is a crucial skill for success in the workplace. It allows individuals to complete tasks efficiently, meet deadlines, and balance multiple responsibilities. However, some individuals may struggle with time management, which can lead to missed deadlines, stress, and burnout.

There are a number of strategies that can be used to improve time management skills. Here are some tips for addressing time management challenges in an interview:

**Acknowledge that time management is a challenge for you.** Explain that you are aware of your time management weaknesses and that you are working to improve your skills.

**Discuss specific examples of how you have improved your time management skills in the past.** This could include situations where you had to meet a tight deadline, manage multiple projects simultaneously, or delegate tasks effectively. Explain the strategies you used to improve your time management and what the outcomes were.

**Share strategies you are using to improve your time management skills.** This could include using a planner or calendar, setting realistic goals, breaking down large tasks into smaller ones, and delegating tasks to others. You could also mention seeking feedback from colleagues or supervisors to identify areas for improvement.

By acknowledging your time management challenges and demonstrating a willingness to address them, you can show interviewers that you are self-aware and committed to personal growth. This can help you to make a positive impression and increase your chances of getting the job.

Technical skills

In today's rapidly evolving job market, it is more important than ever to have strong technical skills. However, it is also important to be aware of your technical weaknesses and to be willing to address them.

  • Identify your technical weaknesses.

    The first step to addressing your technical weaknesses is to identify them. This can be done by talking to your colleagues, supervisors, or mentors. You can also take online assessments or read industry reports to learn about the skills that are in high demand.

  • Develop a plan to improve your technical skills.

    Once you have identified your technical weaknesses, you need to develop a plan to improve them. This may involve taking courses, reading books, or working on personal projects. You can also seek out opportunities to collaborate with colleagues who have strong technical skills.

  • Be honest about your technical weaknesses in interviews.

    When you are interviewing for a job, it is important to be honest about your technical weaknesses. However, you should also be able to articulate how you are working to improve your skills. This shows that you are self-aware and that you are committed to personal growth.

  • Example of how to discuss technical weaknesses in an interview:

    "I am proficient in most of the software programs required for this role. However, I am still developing my skills in data analysis. I am currently taking a course on data analysis and I am also working on a personal project that involves analyzing data from my previous work experience. I am confident that I can continue to improve my data analysis skills with additional training and experience."

By being honest about your technical weaknesses and demonstrating a willingness to improve your skills, you can show interviewers that you are self-aware and committed to personal growth. This can help you to make a positive impression and increase your chances of getting the job.


Self-criticism is the ability to objectively evaluate one's own performance and identify areas for improvement. While it can be a valuable tool for personal growth, excessive self-criticism can be detrimental to one's mental health and career. Individuals who are overly self-critical may lack confidence, may be afraid to take risks, and may be slow to forgive themselves for mistakes.

There are a number of strategies that can be used to manage self-criticism. Here are some tips for addressing self-criticism in an interview:

**Acknowledge that self-criticism is a challenge for you.** Explain that you are aware of your tendency to be overly self-critical and that you are working to manage it.

**Discuss specific examples of how you have managed your self-criticism in the past.** This could include situations where you had to overcome a setback, deal with negative feedback, or make a difficult decision. Explain how you reframed your thoughts, challenged your negative self-talk, and took steps to improve your performance.

**Share strategies you are using to manage your self-criticism.** This could include practicing self-compassion, setting realistic expectations for yourself, and seeking support from others. You could also mention using positive affirmations or visualization techniques to improve your self-confidence.

By acknowledging your self-criticism and demonstrating a willingness to address it, you can show interviewers that you are self-aware and committed to personal growth. This can help you to make a positive impression and increase your chances of getting the job.


Here are some frequently asked questions about discussing weaknesses in an interview:

Question 1: How do I choose the right weakness to discuss?
Answer: Choose a weakness that is relevant to the position you are applying for, but that you are also actively working to improve. Avoid discussing weaknesses that are major red flags for the job, or that you cannot demonstrate a plan for improvement.

Question 2: How much detail should I go into when discussing my weakness?
Answer: Be brief and to the point. Focus on explaining the weakness, how you are working to improve it, and what the outcomes of your efforts have been so far.

Question 3: Should I offer multiple weaknesses?
Answer: It is not necessary to offer multiple weaknesses. Focus on discussing one weakness in depth, and how you are working to overcome it.

Question 4: What if I am asked about a weakness that I am not comfortable discussing?
Answer: Be honest and explain that you are not comfortable discussing that particular weakness. However, be prepared to offer an alternative weakness that you are willing to discuss.

Question 5: How can I turn a weakness into a strength?
Answer: Focus on how you are working to overcome your weakness. Explain how your efforts to improve are making you a stronger candidate for the position.

Question 6: What if I don't have any weaknesses?
Answer: Everyone has weaknesses. If you are struggling to identify any, ask colleagues, friends, or family members for feedback. You can also reflect on your past work experience and identify areas where you could have improved.

Question 7: How can I practice answering questions about my weaknesses?
Answer: Practice answering questions about your weaknesses with a friend or family member. Ask them to give you feedback on your responses.

By preparing thoughtful answers to questions about your weaknesses, you can show interviewers that you are self-aware, that you are committed to personal growth, and that you are confident in your ability to succeed in the role.

In addition to preparing your answers to FAQs, here are a few additional tips for discussing your weaknesses in an interview:


Here are a few additional tips for discussing weaknesses in an interview:

Tip 1: Be honest and authentic. Don't try to sugarcoat your weaknesses or present yourself as perfect. Interviewers can spot insincerity a mile away, and they will appreciate your honesty and transparency.

Tip 2: Choose weaknesses that are relevant to the job. Don't discuss weaknesses that are unrelated to the position you are applying for. Instead, focus on weaknesses that could potentially impact your performance in the role.

Tip 3: Be specific and provide examples. When discussing your weaknesses, be specific and provide examples of how they have impacted your work in the past. This will help the interviewer to understand the nature of your weaknesses and how you have addressed them.

Tip 4: Focus on how you are working to improve your weaknesses. Don't just dwell on your weaknesses. Instead, focus on how you are working to improve them. This shows the interviewer that you are committed to personal growth and that you are not afraid to take on challenges.

By following these tips, you can increase your chances of successfully discussing your weaknesses in an interview. Remember, the goal is not to present yourself as perfect, but to show the interviewer that you are self-aware, that you are committed to personal growth, and that you are confident in your ability to succeed in the role.

Now that you have some tips for discussing your weaknesses in an interview, you can start preparing for your next interview with confidence.


Discussing weaknesses in an interview is not easy, but it is an important opportunity to demonstrate your self-awareness, your commitment to personal growth, and your confidence in your ability to succeed in the role. By following the tips outlined in this article, you can prepare thoughtful and authentic answers to questions about your weaknesses, and increase your chances of making a positive impression on interviewers.

Remember, the goal is not to present yourself as perfect, but to show the interviewer that you are honest, self-aware, and committed to personal growth. By being open and honest about your weaknesses, you can show the interviewer that you are confident in your abilities and that you are eager to learn and grow.

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